Tuesday, February 12, 2013

New and old


So, you know that the new characters in Skylanders are awesome. They are:

Jet-Vac (Air), Shroomboom (Life), Fright Rider (Undead), Flashwing (Earth), Hot Dog (Fire), Chill (Water), Pop Fizz ( Magic), and Sprocket Tech).

They are all amazinng.

They removed one character from every element to add the new ones.

The ones removed are:
Warnado (Air), Camo (Life), Ghost Roaster (Undead), Dino-Rang (Earth), Sunburn (Fire), Wham-Shell (Water), Voodood (Magic), and Boomer (Tech).

In the comments, tell me if you like the changes or not, or what characters you would've removed!
